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首页  »  动作片  »  美国黑帮2:迈阿密大劫案

注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。

 尼克·羅馬諾是一個年輕的美國意大利人,他為自己追求而努力著。他不曾想到的是他被捲入了一連串的黑幫爭鬥之中……Nick Romano is a young Italian American fighting his own personal demons. He\"s got a chip on his shoulder and a lot to prove. Teamed with his crazy but always loyal partner Carlo, the two small time hoods are on the streets trying to hustle and make a living. Nick fits in well with this fast underworld lifestyle that he\"s been caught up in, however this lifestyle has caused a riff between Nick and his girlfriend Vanessa. Nick fights to not lose his loved ones, while trying to stay in good grace with the very powerful local crime boss. All the while, still trying to figure out who he is in life.

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