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注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。
封面模特日记电影完整版,封面模特日记高清在线观看.Jong-moo (Min Hyeok) is happy the calendar model Na-yeong (Han Ga-yeong) is there smiling for him although they can"t be together. One day, the girl of his dreams moves right next door to him and Jong-moo"s boring life turns into excitement. Jong-moo learns about how she suffers behind the fanciness and he puts everything he has on the line to comfort her. Na-yeong is caught between his innocence and her work. Meanwhile, Jong-moo"s friend Yong-jin (Kwon Yeong-ho) dreams of a hot night with his cute girlfriend Ji-hee (Lee So-hee-II) but every time he tries he stands on the verge of death and in the end Ji-hee confesses something to him...

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