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注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。
LA幸福剧本电影完整版,LA幸福剧本高清在线观看.Dale Squire is a hip, quirky,independent single gal living in the glossy city of Los Angeles. After severalfailed attempts in quasi-relationships, Dale concludes that finding a meaningfulrelationship in L.A. is impossible. But being anti-social is tough for any younggirl in Hollywood. With Jill"s frantic wedding right around the corner, Dalefinds herself reflecting on the significance of marriage, and the mutual respectneeded for a successful relationship. When Zach, a successful heartthrob rockstar and old friend of Dale"s finds his way back into her life, Dale slowlystarts to think that maybe finding love in L.A. is possible - the only problemis that her realization might h艾薇e come too late, le艾薇ing Dale in a silent lovetriangle, with no way out.

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