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首页  »  剧情片  »  爱在内战纷飞时

注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。
爱在内战纷飞时电影完整版,爱在内战纷飞时高清在线观看.Alex is a young addict who sells his body in Montréal’s Centre-Sud district. He’s flanked by Bruno, Simon, Jeanne, éric and Velma, all of them caught in the same spiral of compulsion. Hostage to society’s market logic, they are the fallen angels of a dark and violent time. Yet their beauty somehow survives, rebellious amid the ruins. From one fix to the next, desire becomes a life raft, as their bodies, exultant, seek to 艾薇enge the humiliation to which they are condemned. Orphans of a wild tribe, they live and love like restless vagrants in the shadows of society’s comfort and indifference.

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