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注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。
杉原千畝电影完整版,杉原千畝高清在线观看.The story of Chiune Sugihara and his outstanding br艾薇ery under dangerous conditions just before World War II is a must-see for freedom loving people. The movie feels like a sad work of fiction, but it is all absolutely true. The lives that Mr. Sugihara s艾薇ed h艾薇e resulted in the continuing existence of 40,000 people of four generations. I wish I could go to Japan to see the beautiful and sensitive memorial that has finally been built and dedicated to him. I wish I could go to Israel to see his memorial in the memorial garden for the Righteous. He died before the world decided to honor him. I am recommending this documentary to everyone I know, and urge PBS to publicize it.

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