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注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。
杀人电影完整版,杀人高清在线观看.Jorge is a tranquil, middle-class family man whose neighborhood has become overrun by a fringe class of street thugs. His comparatively fortunate existence makes him the target of their intimidation one night, and a hulking outlaw robs him of his insulin needle. Jorge’s teenage son boldly tries to stand up for his father, which only serves to unleash the bully’s terrorizing reign of threats upon the family. Jorge and his wife, Martha, seek protection from the legal system but are subjected to civic drones and bureaucratic procedure, so they remain vulnerable. As Jorge’s family suffers from fear and humiliating anguish, the situation paints him as a deficient patriarch—until he’s cornered into defending what’s his.  豪尔赫是一个安静的,中产阶级家庭的人也成为被附近的街头暴徒条纹类。他比较幸运的存在使他的恐吓一个晚上的目标,和一个庞大的非法剥夺了他的胰岛素针。豪尔赫的儿子勇敢地试图站起来为他的父亲,这只会释放欺负者的恐吓威胁的家族统治。豪尔赫和他的妻子,玛莎,寻求法律的保护而进行公民无人机和官僚程序,所以他们仍然脆弱的。豪尔赫的家人患有恐惧和耻辱的痛苦,他是一个缺乏的状况描绘主教直到他被逼捍卫他什么。

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