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注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。
白日末路电影完整版,白日末路高清在线观看.年后一个神秘的瘟疫摧毁了地球和大多数人类变成blood-hungry生物,一个流氓流浪汉在复仇的狩猎巧遇一群幸存者在一个废弃的警察局,不情愿地同意尝试帮助他们保护自己和逃避他们迫切需要的圣所。Years after a mysterious plague has devastated the planet and turned most of humanity into blood-hungry creatures, a rogue drifter on a vengeful hunt stumbles across a band of survivors in an abandoned police station and reluctantly agrees to try to help them defend themselves and escape to the sanctuary they so desperately need.

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