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首页  »  恐怖片  »  丧尸足球

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丧尸足球电影完整版,丧尸足球高清在线观看.Saturday, the 18th of January 2012. A quarter of an hour before the match. An hour before the Apocalypse.In a small village in the north-east of France, Caplongue, lays a nuclear power plant, an industrialized agriculture and a church lower than its unemployment rate but also, the football team, which managed to reach the 1/32nd French Final Cup with a lot of courage and talent. The village is all the more jubilating at the idea of receiving the Paris Olympic, a top league club with famous footballers.For the Paris Olympic, its the opposite. The team mustnt lose. This match, which was supposed to be a formality, has become of paramount importance. Between Paris and Caplongue, there is more than 250kms. Its a match that opposes the rural to the urban world, the amateurs to the professionals, a province town to the capital, the poor to the rich. While the amateurs give a rough ride to the professionals, an epidemic instantly transforms the players, the spectators and the inhabitants into strange and enraged creatures.

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