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首页  »  综艺片  »  PBS新星极限洞穴潜水

注意:片源清晰度:HD > BD > DVD > TC >TS,请根据网速选择观看哦。
综艺片PBS新星极限洞穴潜水,PBS新星极限洞穴潜水最新一期在线观看.Follow Dr. Kenny Broad as he dives into underwater c艾薇es that formed during the last ice age when sea level was nearly 400 feet below what it is today. They are Earths least explored and perhaps most dangerous frontiers. With an interdisciplinary team of climatologists, paleontologists and anthropologists, Broad investigates the history of Earths climate as revealed in this spectacularly beautiful alternate universe. 洞穴潜水被称为是极限中的极限,是世界公认的,非常具有挑战性的和危险性的极限运动之一,因为压力的改变对人体生理和神经系统的影响,使得每次探险深度的推进变得异常艰难和复杂。片中的Kenny Broad博士将潜入几处形成于冰河时代的洞穴,那时的海平面比现在要低400英尺。随队的有气候学家、古生物学者和人类学家,他们将探求地球气候的历史。

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